International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) and International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA) 2021

“International Conference on Lightning Protection” (ICLP) and “International Symposium on Lightning Protection” (SIPDA) represent the majority of the world scientific and industrial community in the field of lightning. ICLP and SIPDA bring together delegates of a broad spectrum that includes scientists, advisers, entrepreneurs, and heads of industrial research programs. Since Lightning protection is a multi-million dollar industry, the ICLP-SIPDA conference is one of the most sought after events by both […]

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International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2021

The International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences,  ICAPS 2021 isorganized by the Faculty of Science, with the aim of providing an avenue for both local and international researchers to present their latest advances in green technology that encompasses the spheres of biological, physical, and computer sciences, with potential contribution to develop a Knowledge-based Economy. This is the 6th consecutive year that the Faculty of Science has taken lead in organizing ICAPS 2021 […]

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FARS 2021 “Science for Better Dawn”

Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Pampaimadu, Vavuniya 43000, Sri Lanka Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Vavuniya, is delighted to announce the 2nd Faculty Annual Research Session (FARS 2021) on the theme “Science for better dawn”. The FARS 2021 encourages full paper submissions on the following tracks from academics, researchers, scholars, postgraduate and undergraduate students. Track 1: Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Animal Science Track […]

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Virtual Conference – ICMAS 2021

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science 2021Faculty of Science | University of Colombo The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science is organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo to celebrate 100 years of excellence in Science. The main objective of the conference is to update the recent developments of knowledge and practices in basic sciences and to enhance and promote multidisciplinary research as a tool to […]

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